Join us for our fundraising dinner this year in support of East York Strategy and Camp YOLO. Email or etransfer for tickets.
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Tarts and Talent Fundraising Event
Help support East York Strategy and make Camp YOLO 2021 as amazing as ever!
Pies: Purchase as many homemade pies as you would like and they will be dropped off at your home sometime around June 18th.
Pie options include: blueberry, apple, cherry, pecan and lemon meringue.
Whole pie: $20
Slice of pie: $5. (purchase as many slices as you would like!)
To purchase your pies please email, call Elizabeth at 647-235-6365 or click here to fill out our Google Form.
All proceeds go towards covering costs of Camp YOLO 2021.
Join us on Zoom on the evening of Friday, June 18th to enjoy your pie and marvel at the wonderous talents of some of our Camp YOLO campers.
Zoom will begin at 7:30pm on June 18th. All our welcome. Click here for the Zoom link.
If you’d like to donate but cannot purchase pies please click here for the link to our Canada Helps page.
Fundraising Dinner May 10th 2019
Support our local youth and join us for East York Strategy’s annual fundraising dinner! Support the amazing youth in our community and learn what East York Strategy is doing to create good in the neighbourhood. Spend the 10th of May with wonderful people enjoying a home-cooked turkey dinner, engaging entertainment and warm conversation. We look forward to seeing you there.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Doors open at 6pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm
Tickets available in advance as well as at the door.
Adult: $15
Child (under 12): $10
Email Elizabeth and Carolyn at for more information about tickets.
Want to contribute but can’t come to the dinner? Donate online today with our Canada Helps online fundraiser by clicking here
Online Fundraising
Support our summer camp programs today!
Welcome to East York Strategy
Check out what is happening right now!
Mondays: High school basketball
Tuesday: YOLO-after-school for grades 4 – 8
Wednesday: Middle school co-ed volleyball
Thursday: YOLO-at-night for grades 6-8
We hope to see you there.
2017 Fundraising off to a great start
Thank you to everyone who came out to our 2017 East York Strategy Fundraising Dinner! We had a great evening with over 90 people in attendance. However we do rely on many methods of fundraising in order to help East York Strategy throughout the summer. Camp YOLO is free for all its participants so we need the help of the community to fund the camp.
Our 2017 fundriasing page is now up and running. Our online goal is $1800 before the summer is over. We encourage you to get a head start on the giving today and donate now for Camp YOLO. It is quick and easily and all 98.2% of your online donation will directly go into helping East York Strategy. Donate now below!
East York Strategy Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction 2017
Congratulations Paster Jim
Fundraising Page Up and Running!
Camp YOLO needs your help in fundraising! We hope to reach over 100 families this summer but we need your help to accomplish this goal! Because our camp is FREE for the campers your donations are needed. Help us reach our goal of raising $1 500 online. Thank you all for your love and support!
Camp YOLO 2016!
Join us this summer for Camp YOLO July 19 – Aug 26.
Come and meet our some new staff as well as some returning favourites. Join us for a few days or a few weeks. Print out your registration form and drop it off at Bethany Baptist Church.